
Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Kismati kingine: Mwanafunzi amewini scholarship baada ya kuhack system/portal ya chuo chao

Ahmed Al-Khabaz  Credit
Al-Khabaz (20) mwanafunzi wa Computer Science at Dawson College nchini Canada... amefukuzwa shule baada ya kugundua security weakness kwenye portal ya chuoni kwao.  He and his friend discovered the potential breach accidentally while working on their school project.

Al-Khabaz alitoa taarifa kwa director of Information Services and Technology wa chuo hicho... the director congratulated him and told him they were going to fix the issue with software provider.

Baada ya  siku mbili hivi Mr Al-Khabaz alirun another vulnerability test on the portal na kukuta ile tatizo bado ipo and wasn't corrected yet...  baada ya muda alipigiwa simu...

The man himself : Credit
“It was Edouard Taza, the president of Skytech (software providers). He said that this was the second time they had seen me in their logs, and what I was doing was a cyber attack. I apologized, repeatedly, and explained that I was one of the people who discovered the vulnerability earlier that week and was just testing to make sure it was fixed. He told me that I could go to jail for six to twelve months for what I had just done and if I didn’t agree to meet with him and sign a non-disclosure agreement he was going to call the RCMP and have me arrested. So I signed the agreement.” said Al-Khabaz source

Mwisho wa siku Skytech wenyewe walimuita dogo na kumpatia part-time job ya IT Security na scholarship ya kumalizia masomo yake coz Dawson College waliendelea na msimamo wao wa kumsimamisha shule.

That security breach was going to cost private information of more that 250,000 students.

The student said he was surprised by the offer because he said Skytech had done nothing to help him since being expelled from Dawson College.

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