Hackers Polite Approach: Credit |
Computer Technicians, Systems Engineers, Network Administrators au niseme IT professionals wengi wanaelewa kuhusu security kwenye computers. Be it in a small organisation au bigger ones. Ant-Virus na Malware removal tools are available... and are used almost every day for computer repairs and cleaning.
Profesionals wanaofanya kazi kwenye kampuni kubwa of about 30 employees and above wanaelewa vizuri kuhusu umuhimu wa ku-secure networks, ku-configure firewalls, spam filtering, software patches, na kudownload virus definition updates ikibidi kila siku in order to keep the
vulnerabilities of the computing environment at a minimum.

Achilia mbali software na Hardware nyingi zilizopo.. IT professionals may be good in setting up security features.. but there is one element that can not be addressed either in hardware or software... this is the human element. Wafanyakazi wenyewe mara nyingi wanaleta failure kubwa kwenye omputer security..
note humans are regarded to be the weakest link in computer security.
Social Engineering: is one the biggest threats to computer
security, ni mbinu mbali mbali attacker anazitumia ili kupata information kwako and later use them against you....whether in residential or business environments. If computer
technicians are to properly secure a computer system or network, they
must know about social engineering and how to mitigate the attacks.
Social Engineering is a collection of techniques used to manipulate
people into performing actions or divulging confidential information. -
Mara nyingi social engineering hackers au attackers hawaji face to face... anaweza kupiga simu au kutumia email.. pitia some social engineering attack
techniques hapo chini... some technics are technical and some non technical
Moja ya email Titles unaweza kupokea kutoka kwa SE Attacker |
1. Phishing:- Hapa attacker anakutumia email.. akijifanya anafanya kazi either Bank au kwenye kampuni ya simu.. kisha anakuomba details zako muhimu.. akitoa msisitizo kwamba usipofanya hivyo italeta madhara makubwa kwako na kwa kampuni yao pia kiutendaji.. the email may contain the company logo he claims to work for.. and a form for you to fill.. getting your home address, ATM card details etc.
2. Pretexting:- Hapa attacker anajifanya kutengeneza scenario.. anaweza kupiga simu kwenye Benki fulani au mfanyakazi mwenzie aliye chini yake... kisha kumdanganya anahitaji record za mteja.. location, namba za simu au details za mteja za Benki.. this technique is simple but effective.. in regard to human nature.. of being helpful to satisfy customers or important users of the organization.
Dumpster Diving:- Hapa attacker anacheza na dustbins tu.. zile uchafu ambazo users kama wa maBenki au kampuni kubwa atahisi amemaliza kuzitumia au hana shida nazo tena. sifting through commercial or residential trash will lead to retrieve some useful items such as phone books, checks, credit card au bank statements or other corporate commercial records. Discarded information can be used to launch Social Engineering attacks.