
Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Ijue Apple iPod Touch 2012

THINNER,  LIGHTER and TALLER iPod 5th Generation
Apple's iPod ndo music players popular sana mpaka sasa... mwishoni mwa mwaka jana Apple walii-release rasmi iPod Touch 5th Generation.. afu walicomment "the BEST iPod TOUCH WE'VE EVER MADE" cheki specificatons zake hapo chini..

Kwa kifupi its a mult-touch graphical user interface/screen... and you can connect to internet via wireless and connect to Apple's App Stroe and iTune's store making it easy to buy and download contents#

Mpaka sasa units 82 million zimeshauzwa.. unaweza kununua eBay. starting price niliyoioina ni kuanzia $250 


  • Connectivity - Wi-Fi 802.11 b/g/n  & Bluetooth
  • Uzito 88g,
  • Operating System iOS,
  • Camera mbili  Front na Rear zote zina Support HD Video Recording plus  Facial Recognition,
  • Built In Speaker pia HeadPhone Jack ipo
  • Memory - 512 RAM, 
  • Storage : Available in 32GB au 64GB
  • Processor zao zilezile ARM A5 kama ya iPhone 4S,clocked at 1GHz   Source

WhatsApp Messenger imekosolewa :Privacy Breach

Whatsapp Interface :Source
WhatsApp Messenger inamilikiwa na WhatsApp Inc iliyopo California. Whatsapp is a popular mobile chatting application.. inasemekana jamaa wanProcess over 1 Billinion text messages kwa siku!!

Over the past one year Whatsapp wameongeza security over the application... mfano encryption while sending messages and secure password generation etc!!  Unapo-download na ku-install whatsapp kwa smartphone yako.. it asks you to grant it access to your entire address book.. which contains contains phone numbers of both Whatsapp users and non-users... hapa ndo ishu ilipoanzia coz mtumiaji huna choice mbadala ya kuchagua.

Canadian and Ductch privacy regulators walianza kufanya investigation mapema mwaka jana.. na walisema the problem was when Whatsapp transimitted the scanned adrees book containing phone numbers to its servers, servers zao zilishindwa kufuta namba za watu ambao hawatumii whatsapp.. hivyo ku-violate Privacy Policy yao.. [Whatsapp wanabaki na list ya frendz zako ote hata ambao hawatumii watsapp]

Mpaka sasa Whatsapp Inc hawajatoa tamko lolote kutokana na ripoti hiyo..   Source

Sunday, January 27, 2013

CISCO kuuza Linksys kwa Belkin International

Belkin wali-announce majuzi kuwa watanunua Linksys brand from the giant networking company Cisco.
Belkin N1 Vision Wireless Router

Belkin International ni kampuni inayotengeneza consumer elctronics.. na connectivity devices kama switches routers, hubs, mobile computing accessories, surge protectors, cables, KVM switches, na accessories za iPod na iPhones...,na peripherals nyingine nyingi tu.

Sio kwamba CISCO wamefulia nooo... but they are trying to move away from consumer based products to  its larger profit margin enterprise products and services, leaving Linksys looking more and more like a spare part.Cisco ndo wanakimbiza kwenye game ya networking.. sana kwenye Voice products & Data.

Linksys ni brand ya Cisco/ au niseme ni series ya products kama routers na access points mainly for home users and small businesses.
Linksys Wireless router :wrt54g

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Unaielewa vipi Google Nexus 4???

Google Nexus 4  :Credit
Google Nexus 4 ni mtiririko au series ya production za smartphone za GOOGLE.. habari ndo hiyo. These smartphones run google's Operating System the ANDROID.  Inasemekana mara nyingi smartphone za google ndio za kwanza kupata updates za Android. Google Nexus 4 ndiyo Smartphone latest ya google.. ilikuwa released mwaka jana November, 2012... wenye dili ya kutengeneza simu hii ni LG!

Nyuma ya Nexus 4 kulikua na  
Nexus One ilitoka mwaka juzi 2010 January and the manufacturer was HTC, production tayari imesitishwa.
Nexus S  -ilitoka mwaka 2010 December Manufacturer alikua Samsung.. its production is discontiued too!!
Nexus Galaxy - ilitoka November 2011... Manufacturer ni Samsung... production chali..
Nexus 4  huyu ndo mnyama mwenyewe anaRun Android 4.1 Jelly Bean.. upgradeable to 4.2.1 Jelly Bean

Nexus 4 is the first Android device using Android's 4.2 Jelly Bean update version. The Nexus 4 has a 4.7" Corning Gorilla Glass 2 touchscreen (1280 x 768 pixel resolution), 1.5Ghz Qualcomm Snapdragon S4 Pro APQ8064 quad-core processor, 8 MP main camera, 1.3 MP front-camera, and is the first Nexus device to have wireless charging capabilities, along with being the first Nexus smartphone to be offered to consumers at or below the cost to build the device, a technique previously implemented with the release of the Nexus 7 tablet. Source
Nexus ONE, Nexus S, Nexus Galaxy : Credit

Kismati kingine: Mwanafunzi amewini scholarship baada ya kuhack system/portal ya chuo chao

Ahmed Al-Khabaz  Credit
Al-Khabaz (20) mwanafunzi wa Computer Science at Dawson College nchini Canada... amefukuzwa shule baada ya kugundua security weakness kwenye portal ya chuoni kwao.  He and his friend discovered the potential breach accidentally while working on their school project.

Al-Khabaz alitoa taarifa kwa director of Information Services and Technology wa chuo hicho... the director congratulated him and told him they were going to fix the issue with software provider.

Baada ya  siku mbili hivi Mr Al-Khabaz alirun another vulnerability test on the portal na kukuta ile tatizo bado ipo and wasn't corrected yet...  baada ya muda alipigiwa simu...

The man himself : Credit
“It was Edouard Taza, the president of Skytech (software providers). He said that this was the second time they had seen me in their logs, and what I was doing was a cyber attack. I apologized, repeatedly, and explained that I was one of the people who discovered the vulnerability earlier that week and was just testing to make sure it was fixed. He told me that I could go to jail for six to twelve months for what I had just done and if I didn’t agree to meet with him and sign a non-disclosure agreement he was going to call the RCMP and have me arrested. So I signed the agreement.” said Al-Khabaz source

Mwisho wa siku Skytech wenyewe walimuita dogo na kumpatia part-time job ya IT Security na scholarship ya kumalizia masomo yake coz Dawson College waliendelea na msimamo wao wa kumsimamisha shule.

That security breach was going to cost private information of more that 250,000 students.

The student said he was surprised by the offer because he said Skytech had done nothing to help him since being expelled from Dawson College.

Kenya IT Hub :Konza Technology City

Konza Technology City :Masterplan :Source
Kenya inazidi kukua kiuchumi...  nafkiri kwa East Africa wanaongoza. Its economic growth has been significant and its now considered to be one of the world’s new high-growth economies.

Kilichonikuna hasa ni hii habari ya KENYA kuanza ujenzi wa mji mpya the new technology city... Mr Prezidenti wa Kenya amezindua ujenzi huo utakaogharimu dola bilioni [ $14.5bn (£9.1bn)] for that  project to build a new city intended to be an IT business hub and dubbed "Africa's Silicon Savannah".

IT Business hub.. acha tuwaonee wivu tu... ajira 20,000 za IT zinategemewa kupatikana kuanzia 2015.. [hii ni changamoto kwa upcoming IT professionals] #  Source

It will take 20 years to build Konza Technology City about 60km (37 miles) from the capital, Nairobi. Na inasemekana kazi ajira zitaongezeka na kufikia 200,000.. by 2030#

Sitting on a 2,000 hectare piece of land, Konza Technology City,  will create modern and sustainable Kenya. Technology companies pia zipo nyingi nchini Kenya ukiachilia branch kama ya Google, pia kuna native companies.. na kama sijakosea sana East Africa... programmers wengi wanatoka Kenya.

Other ICT hubs and centers in the city include iLab at Strathmore University, one of the country’s most prominent and well-respected private universities; NaiLab; mlab; and humanIPO, which is set to launch soon.  Source

Social Engineering Attacks ni tishio kwa IT Security / Computer

Hackers Polite Approach: Credit
 Computer Technicians, Systems Engineers, Network Administrators au niseme IT professionals wengi wanaelewa kuhusu security kwenye computers. Be it in a small organisation au bigger ones. Ant-Virus na Malware removal tools are available... and  are used almost every day for computer repairs and cleaning.

Profesionals wanaofanya kazi kwenye kampuni kubwa of about 30 employees and above wanaelewa vizuri kuhusu umuhimu wa ku-secure networks, ku-configure firewalls, spam filtering, software patches, na kudownload virus definition updates ikibidi kila siku in order to keep the vulnerabilities of the computing environment at a minimum.
Achilia mbali software na Hardware nyingi zilizopo.. IT professionals may be good in setting up security features.. but there is one element that can not be addressed either in hardware or software... this is the human element. Wafanyakazi wenyewe mara nyingi wanaleta failure kubwa kwenye omputer security..note humans are regarded to be the weakest link in computer security.

 Social Engineering: is one the biggest threats to computer security, ni mbinu mbali mbali attacker anazitumia ili kupata information kwako and later use them against you....whether in residential or business environments. If computer technicians are to properly secure a computer system or network, they must know about social engineering and how to mitigate the attacks.

Social Engineering is a collection of techniques used to manipulate people into performing actions or divulging confidential information. - Wikipedia

Mara nyingi social engineering hackers au attackers hawaji face to face... anaweza kupiga simu au kutumia email..  pitia some social engineering attack techniques hapo chini...  some technics are technical and some non technical

Moja ya email Titles unaweza kupokea kutoka kwa SE Attacker
1. Phishing:- Hapa attacker anakutumia email.. akijifanya anafanya kazi either Bank au kwenye kampuni ya simu.. kisha anakuomba details zako muhimu.. akitoa msisitizo kwamba usipofanya hivyo italeta madhara makubwa kwako na kwa kampuni yao pia kiutendaji.. the email may contain the company logo he claims to work for.. and a form for you to fill.. getting your home address, ATM card details etc.

2.  Pretexting:- Hapa attacker anajifanya kutengeneza scenario.. anaweza kupiga simu kwenye Benki fulani au mfanyakazi mwenzie aliye chini yake... kisha kumdanganya anahitaji record za mteja.. location, namba za simu au details za mteja za Benki.. this technique is simple but effective.. in regard to human nature.. of being helpful to satisfy customers or important users of the organization.

3. Dumpster Diving:- Hapa attacker anacheza na dustbins tu.. zile uchafu ambazo users kama wa maBenki au kampuni kubwa atahisi amemaliza kuzitumia au hana shida nazo tena. sifting through commercial or residential trash will lead to retrieve some useful items such as phone books, checks, credit card au bank statements or other corporate commercial records. Discarded information can be used to launch Social Engineering attacks.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Ms Office 2013 imeshatoka: for some home users.

Microsoft's CEO Steve Ballmer:  Credit
Kitu kipya.. for more productivity...   wakati bado wiki chache Microsoft kurelease Office 2013 officialy.. wameitoa tayari for some home users hii ni benefit kwa watu walioajiriwa kwenye kampuni zenye deal kubwa na Microsoft. Unaweza kudownload trial hapa chini.

As part of its Home User Program (HUP), Office 2013 is made available at very reasonable prices: the UK page prices it at £8.95, while US buyers are charged $US9.95. Despite the Australian dollar being worth more than the US dollar, Aussies are being asked to pay $AUD15.00.

The new Office 2013 is touch ready... kama nauona vile utamu wake kwenye tablets... Office 2013 has been designed to fully work together with Windows 8. Word Docs, PowerPoints... kwenye tab pia ni touch... #cant wait

For those prices you get Office Professional Plus, comprising Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, Access, Publisher, Lync, OneNote and InfoPath

Vitu vipya kwenye Office 2013##
  • Read Mode
  • Cloud syncing -Automatically saves your documents to you online storage/SkyDrive
  • Skype: The new office is associated with Skype.
  • Be connected: With Microsoft SharePoint can get connected to social networks.
  • Object Zoom
  • Resume Reading at anytime... also reading on the go on any device..
  • Comment and Reply
 #office 2013 itatoka rasmi kwa watu wote late in this quarter.
 Read More on whats new in Office 2013
Download office 2013

Monday, January 21, 2013

Funny 1#


SONY wametoa TABLET yao mpya.. nyembamba zaidi ya iPad Mini

Xperia Tab Z:  Credit
SONY wamesababisha tena huko Japan.. Jana Jumatatu Sony wamerelease what is believed to be the thinniest tablet in the world the Sony Xperia Tablet Z.   The tablet is 6.9mm thick.. meanwhile the current iPad Mini is 7.2mm tofauti ikiwa ni Micrometer chache sana

Na bado... jamaa wamefunika zaidi kwani hii kitu ni WaterProof and DustProof [according to  :TheNextWeb] The Xperia Tablet Z runs on Android Jelly Bean 4.1.2.  quad-core 1.5GHz processor and it comes with an 8.1mp camera, 2GB RAM, internal storage of 32GB.. WiFi, Bluetooth, 2G, 3G plus LTE (4G) display yake ni 10.1 inch..kubwa kuliko iPad.. pia uzito wake ni gram 495.

Sony hawajasema bei ya hii kitu bado... ni lini hasa itakua released to other parts of the world... the good news ni kwamba... hata ukiidondosha kwenye maji.. bado itapiga mzigo...  Credit

O2 kuanza kuuza simu bila chaja zake by 2015:

I was shocked by the news jana...  O2 ni largest provider wa simu UK. Wametangaza kuanza kuuza simu bila chaja ifikapo 2015... hii kitu ni nzuri sana kwa mazingira.... [green technology]

O2 said there could be 100 million unused chargers in the UK alone, either kutokana na simu za zamani au duplicate from the new phones. O2 teamed up with HTC (mobile manufacture) on the trial of 3 months... where by they were selling phones  HTC One X+ with a USB cable only and a charger separately at additional cost.

Asilimia 80 ya customers walinunua simu bila charger.... matokeo haya yanaonyesha a clear picture of customers' minimal need for phone chargers.

Madhara ya chaja## These chargers contain 18,700 tonnes of components and, if thrown away, could account for a landfill the size of four Olympic swimming pools, showing the environmental impact additional unnecessary chargers have.  Source

Nokia kupunguza wafanyakazi 300 wa IT, na ku-outsource kazi zingine 820

Moja kati ya mikakati iliyotangaza Nokia mwaka jana June 2012 ni kuongeza ufanisi wa kazi zake na kupunguza gharama za uendeshaji. Hivi majuzi Nokia walitangaza kupunguza wafanyakazi..  at least 300 workers have been affected by Nokia's announcement... and those are based in Finland.

Ila hawapunguzwi kazi bila chochote... Nokia wameshow love ya kuwa-assist financialy na kuwatafutia kazi kwenye kampuni zingine. Nokia will then outsource 820 jobs and transfer its IT operations to two Indian companies.. ikiwemo kampuni kubwa ya kiHindi... Tata Consultancy Services 'TCS' na HCL Technologies.

Nokia also sold its Espoo headquarters to Finnish company Exilion in a deal worth €170 million, leasing the property back from the company as it attempts to further reduce costs. Mtikisiko wa kiuchumi sio bongo tu aseee... tetesi zingine zinasema Nokia wamepunguza kazi karibu 40,000##

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Best ALARM applications for Android

Wave Alarm (Free,  $2.99 unlock key)
Get Alarm clock and timer to solve all your timing needs.  Hamna haja ya kutegemea Alarm iliyokuja na saa ya simu (by default). This is good news for android users...
Hizi applications nyingi zipo rated nyota 3 na kuendelea hadi 5. Available free on the Google Play (store).
  • Many have best sounds
  • Customizable
  • Use as standalone, 
  • Set auto off time,
  •  Runs audio in background, 
  • You can avoid excessive snoozing and get you out of bed.

Read More/Download
Wake Voice :Lite Version Free

Easy NINE tips to secure your email and avoid email fraud.

Dunia ilivo sasa kila kitu ni ki-electronic zaidi au ki-digitali zaidi.. EMAIL pia imekua ishu muhimu.. kwenye Businesses na maisha ya kila siku.  As email uses continue to grow significantly... email security is inevitable. Organisations should protect its employees .. and users should protect them selves as well. Here are the few tips for last mile users.

1. Use strong passwords.  Ukitumia strong password unapunguza uwezekano wa mtu  kuitambua kirahisi… usitumie tarehe yako ya kuzaliwa kama password.. don’t use your pet’s name au la mama/baba/motto au mchumba… lol   tumia Password Ngumu mfano   1Hat3liver@Onions! [changanya namba na herufi]
2. Never click links or open attachments you didn’t expect to receive.

3. Use email software with built-in spam filtering.   (unaweza kudownload a third party spam filter add-on then ukainstall kwa email client yako kama Outlook au Outlook Express, Thunderbird etc)

4.  Add people you know to your safe sender list and unwanted senders to your blocked list. This helps you get the mail that you want and not the mail that you don’t.

If an email is from an unfamiliar email address and you choose to read it do it with caution. 

6. Jenga tabia ya kubadilisha password kila mara. If you think someone tried to access your email account, contact your email provider. You should immediately change your password.

7. Do not reply to a suspicious email.  This is one of the biggest methods for preventing identity theft. 

8.  Look for signs that your information is safe. Phishing emails often try to lead you to malicious websites. Before you enter sensitive information on any site, ensure that the site uses encryption, a security measure that helps protect your data as it travels over the Internet. One sign of a secure site is an address that starts with https.

9. Never reply to request for money (especially those you didn’t expect.)


Pigo kwa Microsoft: Antivirus yao haijafikia kiwango.

Microsoft Security Essential ni Ant Virus ya Microsoft... kama computer yako ina copy original ya windows (genuine copy) basi unaweza kuinstall Ms Security Essential. I have been using this Ant Virus for 6 months now... but ripoti iliyotolewa hivi sasa imenishtua..

The giant software company (kama wanavyopenda kuitwa) Microsoft wamepata pigo kwa kushindwa kufikia viwango [kwa mujibu wa labolatory ya Kijerumani inayotoa test results za ant-virus zote kila baada ya miezi miwili]

The independent testing lab based in Germany, publishes test results every two months, and the test from November and December 2012 looked at 25 consumer antivirus security programs. Three failed certification: PC Tools Internet Security 2012, AhnLab Internet Security 8.0, and Microsoft Security Essentials 4.1.

Hii ni mara ya pili kwa Microsoft kushindwa ku-certify. Microsoft Security Essential ni maarufu sana US na Dunia nzima kwa ujumla.  Credit

Hackers nchini UK wamehack Music Servers za Sony

A thousands Michael Jackon's unreleased tracks were copied. Credit
Hackers wamekinukisha tena... hawa jamaa nchini UK.. James Marks, 27 na James McCormick, 26 walihack record servers za Sony na kuiba maelfu ya nyimbo zikiwemo tracks za Michael Jackson.

Tukio hili wamelifanya kutokea  majumbani kwao Daventry na Blackpool  UK. Source
These guys were able to download 7,000 files which were completed tracks or the component parts, as well as artwork and videos.

Serious Organised Crime Agency (Soca) said files recovered from their computers indicated they were planning to sell or trade some of the stolen content.

Hata hivyo James na McCormick walikiri makosa yao na kuachiwa huru. Credit

The new Apple all in one iMac desktop itazidi kuwa ngumu ku-repair!!

Apple iMac ni series nyingine ya computer production.. hizi ni all in one..  utakuta a personal computer.. Monitor na CPU zipo pamoja as a single unit.

Recently wametoa iMac mpya...  which  features an ultrathin all-in-one design, beautiful widescreen display, the latest processors and graphics, and advanced storage options.

If you like to tinker with your system's innards, or your iMac ever needs repairing  you'll need a heat gun to separate the LCD from the glass panel, and you'll need to dig deep in order to get to the replaceable components.
According to iFixit, the leading teardown artist of Apple products, the iMac was given a measly 3 out of 10 on the iFixit Repairability Score scale. In comparison, the Mac Mini earned an 8 out of 10... angalau kurepair Mac Mini sio ishu sana.

Apple has fused the glass front panel and the LCD together (instead of attaching them with magnets), forcing iFixit to use not only a heat gun to remove the adhesive, but also low-tech guitar picks to pry the two pieces apart. The result is that the original tape is ruined, requiring replacement adhesive to reseal the machine.
Source iFix

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Tetesi juu ya Samsung kutoa Galaxy Note 8.0 Tablet yenye 8-inch Display

  Competition inavyoendelea.. Manufaa ni kwetu consumers... this means more choices..

Tetesi zimezagaa kuwa Samsung wako mbioni kutoa Galaxy Note 8.0.. ili kuishindanisha na iPad Mini ya Apple.  Watu wametania eti Galaxy Tab 10.1 karibia inapata mdogo wake (Note 8.0).

Despite already having 7-inch tablets out in the market, Samsung is supposedly at work on a new 8-inch model that would compete more directly with the Apple iPad mini. According to SamMobile, the Galaxy Note 8.0 could pop up at Mobile World Congress next month.

The rumored device would pack a higher-res screen than Apple's smaller tablet and run Android 4.2 Jelly Bean.  

iPad Mini:  Credit
 a screen resolution of 1,280×800, which is slightly better than the iPad mini's 1,024x768, and come with 2GB of memory and either 16GB or 32GB of storage. It would also run Android 4.2, the latest version of Jelly Bean. Like other Galaxy Notes, it would include a stylus/digital pen.

  Tutazidi kukuhabarisha zaidi....

Friday, January 18, 2013

Experts wamesema Soko la kazi za IT Security ni Tricky sana

IT Security ni field kubwa sana kwenye Information Technology. IT  Security proffesionals wanahitajika sana.. na hii kitu inalipa sana. However IT security job market is one of the trickiest job markets in IT - both for job seekers and for employers. 

Information Security is  the practice of defending information systems from unauthorized access, use, disclosure, disruption, modification, perusal, inspection, recording or destruction. Ili Security expert aweze kuaddress issue zote hizi ni lazima awe na experience ya kutosha kwenye systems, networks na exposure ya kutosha.

TechTarget's  recently covered how unrealistic expectations, and a skills gap mire the market for IT security jobs, as well as how the lack of skilled security professionals has created a challenge for Certified Information Security Officers to fill specialties. The result is a market that is often confused about how to find and hire the talent it needs, and IT security job seekers unsure about the skills they need to build in order to succeed in an IT security career.
For some of the answers,TechTarget turned to Lee J. Kushner, founder and CEO of L. J. Kushner and Associates, LLC. Kushner’s firm specializes in recruiting information security professionals.

SearchSecurity: When you look at the market now, what IT security skills do you see in high demand?

Lee Kushner: There are a number of skills that are more in demand than others, and that have come to the forefront of demand in the past two or three years. We are seeing more of a push toward application security, incident response, threat and vulnerability management, and then overall blended security architecture that marries some of the risk factors with the technology factors. Those are all aspects of IT security that you now are seeing in greater demand in many organizations.   Source

Archos announces the NEW GamePad running Android IceCream Sandwich

Archos Android Gamepad  Credit
Kwa wanaopenda maGame...  ARCHOS is not new in the Gaming industry... walikua na Arnova Child Pad sokoni... ilikua inarun Android pia...    Kwa sasa kampuni hiyo imepiga hatua nyingine kwa kuanounce another  7-inch GamePad.

Briefly the new gamepad runs Android 4.0 with a dual-core processor clocked at 1.5GHz and a quad-core Mali 400 MP GPU, and it sports physical gaming controls in addition to the standard touchscreen.

Below are the specifications for this new 7-inch Archos Android Gamepad gaming tablet.
  • Dimensions: 4.6" x 9.0" x 0.6"
  • Weight: 330g (11.6 oz)
  • Display: 7-inch IPS (1024 x 600) capacitive
  • OS: Android 4.1 Jelly Bean
  • CPU: 1.6GHz ARM Cortex A9 (dual-core)
  • GPU: Mali-400 MP4 (quad-core)
  • 3D OpenGL (ES 2.0)
  • 1GB of RAM
  • Internal storage: 8GB
  • MicroSD external storage (Up to 32GB)
  • Front-facing camera
  • Video playback: Up to 1080p @ 30 fps
  • Wi-Fi
  • Connections: USB 2.0, Mini HDMI
  • 3.5mm audio port
  • Analog thumb sticks

Huawei kuikimbiza iPhone 5 na Samsung Galaxy Note 2 :CES 2013

Consumer Electronics Show [CES] ya mapema mwaka huu
Huawei Ascend Mate
iPhone 5 na Ascend Mate.  Credit
During the CES 2013, Huawei released its killer monster smartphone with a 6.1 inch Display (Gorila Corning Glass). Kama unapenda screen kubwa basi this is gona be your next move. Pia ina massive 4050mAh battery, kiuwazi inaweza ku-Run for 48-hours of use on a single charge.  2GB of RAM, and optional storage starting from 16, 32, 64GB kama kawaida. 1.6Ghz clocked Quad Core processor ..hii ni sawa na DUAL CORE processors mbili. 8-MegaPixels back Camera, and 1.3 MgPixel for the front camera. Wifi, Bluetooth

This Huawei Ascend Mate is running Android 4.1 Jelly Bean, and the screen is optimal for those who enjoy that feature.

Upande wa pili iPhone 5 inajikongoja, with a 4-inch screen with Retina Display and iOS 6, a proprietary processor A6 which is as twice as the A5 ya iPhone 4.. and support for 4G LTE.. Wifi.. Bluetooth..

Galaxy Note 2 ya Samsung which is currently doing good on market... display yake ni 5.5 inch at a resolution of 720 x 1280 sawa na Ascend Mate, with a super gorilla glass 2 plus a RAM 2GB.
Huawei Ascend Mate na Galaxy Note 2 Credit

Kenya Kusogeza mbele deadline ya kuhamia DIGITALI

Wakati watanzania tukiwa tayari tumeanza mchakato wa ku-Switch to Digital TV signal  waKenya wamepostpone hadi March.  This follows the order from the Kenya's High Court that the date for the Switch off of the Analogue TV signal be delayed angalau hadi March uchaguzi utakapoisha.

Justice Isaac Lenaola said an immediate move to digital would be unfair to Kenyans keen to follow the polls on TV.
Credit BBC
According to Kenya's Daily Nation newspaper, the Consumer Federation of Kenya (Cofek) said the first notice about the analogue signal switch-off, planned for 31 December 2012.

Judge Lenaola told the Communications Commission of Kenya (CCK) and Cofek to agree on a new date, which he felt should be after the March 2013 elections.

Televisions are a great source of news in Kenyan Cities.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

The Future of a classroom: Mapinduzi ya technolojia kwenye seckta za elimu

This is already happening without a doubt, technology will be a crucial part of the future of education.

jinsi ya ufundishaji itabadilika but teachers will not be replaced.. they will become more productive with the assistance of technology. 

When people talk about the future of education, it often triggers visions of an iPad in every student's hands, classes monitored—or even taught—by robots, and teachers lecturing via webcam.

Credits kwa Fortune
Achilia mbali gadgets (smartphones na tablets etc) au softwares.. teknolojia kwa ujumla itabadilisha mtazamo na majukumu ya mwalimu na mwanafunzi pia. Also the relationship between a student and teachers.. and classrooms.

Instead of lecturing at the front of a classroom, a teacher would monitor students' progress and assist those who are struggling on an ad-hoc basis. A teacher will, ideally, be free to let advanced students do their own thing and pay more attention to those who need help.

Mambo ya Mobile Education

Microsoft wameajiri mtoto wa miaka 9 kama Tech Specialist

The Youngest Microsoft Employee

Pranav Kaylan (an Indian Boy)
I did not believe the news about this kid... a 9 year old... who is a 4th grader student, Pranav Kaylan. Mtoto huyu amevunja rekodi... he is the youngest Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist (MCTS) and he was first seen in the Windows 8 campaign... dogo alikua mstari wa mbele anaelekeza watu wazima the how tos za Win 8.

On January 12, Kalyan passed the MCTS test in ASP.NET Framework 3.5, which already makes him smarter and more skilled than me, lol. Ana ndoto za kuwa Scientist siku moja.

Kaylan anasema alianza kutumia Computer alipokua na umri wa miaka 2 and his love for maths and solving complicated problems helped him to write computer programs.  Doing programing at age of 9... its really a challange aiseee... unakumbuka ulichokua unafanya ulipokua na miaka 9???

Until now, the record was held by Dubai-based Babar Iqbal, who achieved the credential when he was 12.

Watch the video below... a simple demonstration on Windows 8 Campaign.  (3 minutes video)

Instagram kuuza picha za watumiaji wake kwenye kampuni za Matangazo bila makubaliano yoyote

     Hii ilitangazwa Dec 17, 2012. source

"unclear language" (kama walivyojitetea) in the terms of use agreement kati ya mtumiaji wa Instagram na Instagram ndiyo ilileta utata kwa watumiaji. This misunderstanding had caused a number of users to delete some of their pictures.

Siku chache baadae Instagram apologized and commented that users own their content and Instagram does not claim any ownership rights over their photos
Certain phrases in the revised ToS led many to believe that Instagram was planning on selling user's pictures to corporations and organizations for use on advertisements and would keep all of the compensation. Instead, co-founder and CEO Kevin Systrom said that the intent of the changes was to tell users that the site was planning on experimenting with innovative forms of advertising.
Instagram is now owned by Facebook, which purchased Instagram in a deal originally valued at $1 billion sawa na mapesa mengi ya kibongo. Source