
Sunday, February 17, 2013

Una matatizo ya AppWorld kwenye BlackBerry yako ?? Pita hapa#

Watu wengi wanapataga matatizo na AppWorld, it sometimes goes missing immediately after upgrade or may stop working. Hapa chini ni few steps za jinsi ya kufanya japo kuinusuru au kuirudisha iendelee kufanya kazi.

Mara nyingi App World inapotea mtu anapoUpgrade from AppWorld version to
Niliwahi kupata tatizo kama hii.. solution iliyofanya kazi ni kuDownGrade kuirudisha kwenye

!) Uninstall the version you have installed (steps hapo chini jinsi ya kuUninstall).. then reboot your BB.. after that unaweza kutumia computer au the same smartphone kuirudisha the old version that used to work well on you smartphone.
>>Next week nitapost Video ya jinsi ya kuDownGrade na steps.

!!) If you looking for the latest version of AppWorld Download it from here
But before that if you had installed any previous version then uninstall it this way :

Options > Device > Application Management.
Scroll to BlackBerry AppWorld > Delete.
Do a simple reboot on the BlackBerry in this manner: With the BlackBerry device POWERED ON, remove the battery for a min, and then reinsert the battery to reboot... and YOU ARE GOOD TO GO!!!!!

Microsoft na the new Windows Blue.. refreshment ya Windows 8

Hivi majuzi tu, 15 February.. Microsoft walipost nafasi za Kazi... wakihitaji an experienced system developers to work with Microsoft's Core Experience team in Windows Sustained Engineering (WinSE). Rumors has it kwamba hiyo post iliweka wazi kuwa Microsoft engineers inafocus kwenye hiyo coming BLUE refresh ya windows 8.
Job Announcement ilivyokua  :Credit
Haya.. watumiaji wa Windows 8 na smartphone zenye Win 8.. mkae mkao wa mega changes... it is said that the new Windows Blue will have many new features.

The Core Experience team in Windows Sustained Engineering (WinSE) is involved in making improvements to the start screen, application lifecycle, windowing and personalization. Windows Blue will "build on and imrpove" these OS components. kwa mujibu wa post hiyo.


Friday, February 15, 2013

One of the best Android Applications [Battery Saver]

Mamboz.... je unaipenda simu yako ya Android au tablet... but you feel disappointed when it comes to its battery perfomance???  embu check na hii Easy Battery Saver application for Android... you can optimize the perfomance based on your usage.. 

Ina Modes kibao ambazo unaweza kuswitch in.  Mfano Intelligent Power Saving Mode / Super Power Saving Mode ama Normal Mode pia unaweza ukacustomize.. mfano unaweza kuiSet ikakata Wireless connection/Data, au bluetooth, au ika-Close application automatically ili kusave battery na mengineyo... give it a try guys... this might be your perfect solution.

#iko compatible na many Android Smartphones + Tabs
Credit Remaining uptime for specific Apps

Friday, February 1, 2013

Fujitsu na the new High Perfomance Super Computer nchini Australia

Fujitsu walichaguliwa mwaka jana.. kuinstall a supercomputer for one of the project in Australia [Australia's National Computational Infrastructure Project]   In addition to delivery and installation of that super computer, Fujitsu will  collaborate on a number of research projects, particularly with regard to weather and climate modelling.

Fujitsu ni kampuni ya kiJapani... inayoongoza kwenye information and communication technology (ICT), offering a full range of technology products, solutions and services. Over 170,000 Fujitsu people support customers in more than 100 countries. Credit

Kilichonigusa hapa ni specifications za hiyo super computer... inayojengwa kwenye bonge la space.. Tazama specs hapo chini
  • will consist of 57,000 cores (proccessor) ##kwa sasa computer/laptop zetu nyingi ni Dual Core [processor mbili] some Quad Cores#
  • 160 terabytes of RAM   sawa na 160,000 GB
  • 10 petabytes of hard drive storage
  • 1,200 teraflops of peak computational performance
  • Assembling Parts of the Fujitsu Super Computer :Source
  • 9 terabytes of network   Source
Tazama Video hapa chini#